Welcome to the strange world of tonal animal hybrid creatures and dark mysterious synth sounds. A place where you can manipulate and blend twisted arpeggiated tonal patterns with your drumming.
Somewhere in the recent past of an alternate universe, many animals collectively chose to hybridize with synthesizers, becoming part biology, part sound-machine. In a rare instance of luck and good timing, we, here at Sunhouse, were able to make contact with this alternate universe through a crack in the quantum field and record audio from some of these hybrid creatures before returning safely back home. The result is Xanthopleura: a pack of 23 sets made up of inspiring tonal material parameterized in ways only possible with Sensory Percussion techniques.
The Samples
The tones collected from hybrid sound creatures are separated into folders within the pack, and contain recordings of multiple octaves per note.
There are only long tone samples in this pack - all of the chord sounds in the sets are built from these single notes.
Twenty-five of these sonic creatures contributed to the pack.
The Sets
Most of the twenty-three sets in the Xanthopleura sound pack advance through a tonal progression by hitting the rim of the snare.
That means, you can jam on one of the many sets that has arpeggiated tones on Tom 1, and then hit the rim of the snare to change all of the tones in the arpeggio to a different chord.
You can change this by right-clicking on the “next chord” macro in edit view and changing the assignment. You can pick a different zone, or you can assign a MIDI controller or some other means of changing the chord.

Many of the sets are programmed to move the arpeggiated progressions by an octave by playing from center to edge on the tonal drum/s. The lower octave arpeggio lives in the center, while the higher octaves are on the edge.
Xanthopleura also has new and exciting electro kick, tom, and snare mappings with most kits. These mappings are derived from samples from the core library, so they don’t add to the overall size of the pack, but the mappings are unreleased and exclusive to Xanthopleura.